발표 논문

[1] McClement, D. G., Lawrence, N. P., Loewen, P. D., Forbes, M. G., Backström, J. U., & Gopaluni, R. B. (2021). A meta-reinforcement learning approach to process control. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54(3), 685-692.

[2] Dogru, O., Velswamy, K., Ibrahim, F., Wu, Y., Sundaramoorthy, A. S., Huang, B., ... & Bell, N. (2022). Reinforcement learning approach to autonomous PID tuning. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 161, 107760.

발표자 - 김곤

발표 자료 링크 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8anP2_QJMNA