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발표 논문 

1) Attention is all you need (2017)

2) A Transformer-based framework for multivariate time series representation learning (2021)

발표자 - 황우영

발표자료 링크 - https://1drv.ms/b/s!AtiR1XA-D_8VgZJJ3uFb_TvWSv-frQ?e=Vs1kou

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발표 논문 

1) Unsupervised real-time anomaly detection for streaming data (2017)

2) Current Time Series Anomaly Detection Benchmarks are Flawed and are Creating Illusion of Progress (2021)

발표자 - 윤기오

발표자료 링크 - https://1drv.ms/b/s!AtiR1XA-D_8VgZJBApJcRvDRW_fz2w?e=TDsgPM